Sunday Catechist Lead Traditional Instruction Grades 1-7

ALL PREP classes are CANCELLED, Sunday, February 9 due to inclement weather.

St. Joseph PREP is a religious education program option for all parish children in Grades 1 through 7 that do not attend a Catholic Elementary school.

The Sunday morning Religious Education program will be an in class, catechist lead program utilizing Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.  The content of the program flows from the Sunday Gospel and children learn their faith within the rhythms of the liturgical year – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time.  The Sunday liturgy is the heart of the parish community.  With this program, every lesson goes home to involve parents (who hear the same Gospel on Sunday) making it easier for them to discuss topics with their children.  Your whole family can easily share in the learning because all children are studying lessons based on the same Gospel proclaimed in church on Sunday.  You can gather all your children at one time to share what they have learned and to talk about it as a family.

Resources for families include The Gospel at Home, which is a weekly summary of the Sunday Gospel and suggestions for you to use at home. These are all at the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies website.  See quick links below.

If you have questions, contact Andrea Jackowski at 610-850-4228 or at

Please see the PREP Parent Handbook for more information: 2024-2025 Parent Handbook – coming soon

Registration information

2024-2025 PREP Calendar (updated 10/07)

             Pflaum Gospel Weeklies (levels 1-3)- quick links

RCL Benziger – Blest are We (levels 4-5)

Sacrament Preparation (levels 6-7)- links

Keeping Our Children Safe

Children who attend in class Religious Education are scheduled to receive these lessons as follows.  

PREP Level 1, CGS Grades Pre K-1 –  January 26 at 9:00 AM PREP Levels 2-3, CGS Grades 2-3 – January 26 at 10:00 AM
PREP Level 7 – January 26 at 7:00 PM
PREP Levels 4- 5, CGS Grades 4-6 – February 9 at 9:00 AM PREP Level 6 – February 9 at 10:00 AM

You are encouraged to view the lessons at  and if you choose NOT to have your child participate, you must, PRIOR TO the lesson date, complete and hand in this form Parent Form.


ZOOM Classroom Requirement-if scheduled by catechist

Virtual (live) Instruction Permission Form for participation in Zoom meetings

Volunteers please click below for Safe Environment information and requirements

Safe Environment Information and Forms