Children’s Faith Formation

Welcome to St. Joseph’s Children’s Faith Formation

“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

If you have questions, please contact us:

Andrea Jackowski, Director of Religious Education / 610-850-4228

Anne Pulsifer, CGS Coordinator / 484-431-5156

Michele Mast, Religious Education Assistant

PREP Classes are CANCELLED for Sunday, February 9 due to inclement weather.


Upcoming “Kid Talk” lessons for ALL children.

Children who attend in class Religious Education are scheduled to receive these lessons as follows.

PREP Level 1, CGS Grades Pre K-1–NEW DATE April 6 at 9:00 AM   PREP Levels 2-3, CGS Grades 2-3–NEW DATE April 6 at 10:00 AM
PREP Level 7 – NEW DATE April 6 at 7:00 PM
PREP Levels 4- 5, CGS Grades 4-6 NEW DATE April 13 at 9:00 AM    PREP Level 6–NEW DATE April 13 at 10:00 AM



You are encouraged to view the lessons at  and if you choose NOT to have your child participate, you must, PRIOR TO the lesson date, complete and hand in this form Parent Form.


Christopher Elicker
Kerrianna Graham
Colette Lesage
Bernadette Petr
April 27, 2024

Registration for the 2024-25 year HAS ENDED.

St. Joseph Children’s Faith Formation

Our faith teaches us that parents are the primary educators of their children.  This refers to not only academics, but also lessons in faith and life. Parents provide the most concrete, everyday model and witness to their children in demonstrating how to be not only successful laborers of the world, but more importantly, how to be committed, virtuous followers of the Lord.  With that in mind, we strongly encourage parents to enroll children in our Faith Formation programs so that they can be provided with a valuable opportunity to learn the Catholic faith, prepare for the sacraments, and form new friendships.  We ask that as your children progress through their formation, you, as parents, will take a leading role as their daily catechists and models of faith throughout the entire week.  This leadership role includes discussing their work each week with your children, teaching your children how and why to pray, bringing your children to Mass, and showing your children how to practice the Commandments in daily life.  Without this parental witness and guidance, our efforts in the faith formation programs would not be successful.

St. Joseph Church provides families with several options for the Faith Formation of their children depending on the age and needs of the child. In addition, Sacramental preparation is provided for all children of the parish whether enrolled in public or Catholic school.  Archdiocese of Philadelphia Religion Curriculum

​The following options are provided:

  1. Parish Religions Education Program (PREP) Offerings (Archdiocese info)
    • Children in grades 1 through 5 may enroll in our classroom based program
    • Children in grades 6, 7 and above should enroll in our 2 year Confirmation Program
  2. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Offerings  (Archdiocese info)
    • All children ages 3—5 (pre-K and Kindergarten) are encouraged to enroll in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Level I
    • Children in grades 1 through 3 may enroll in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Level II
    • Children in grades 4 through 6 may enroll in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Level III
    • Catholic School children may also enroll in CGS to further their faith formation experience

RCIC is for Children in Grades 4 and above who have gaps in or are just starting their faith formation and is tailored to the child’s specific needs. These classes will be scheduled based on enrollment. Please contact Parish office.