St. Joseph Church will be hosting a two-part CGS Level I Adult Formation
for those interested in becoming CGS catechists* or learning more
about their own faith and the spirituality of the young child:
Part 1:
(dates to be announced)
Part 2:
(dates to be announced)
The Level I course is the foundation for all three levels
of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
The objectives of this Level I Formation include:
❖ To present the guiding principles of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd;
❖ To explore the religious nature and the vital religious needs of the 3 to 6-year-old child;
❖ To offer the adult time to prayerfully reflect and consider the Biblical and liturgical themes
presented to the 3 to 6- year-old child;
❖ To broaden the adult’s ability to observe and learn from children’s spirituality;
❖ To cultivate the capacity to deeply listen to and enjoy with children the Word of God;
❖ To offer guidelines and assistance in preparing the atrium, making the catechist’s album, and materials.
Your Invitation
You are invited to participate in this Level I Formation which will prepare you to work in
an atrium with children ages three to six years old. This course is a spiritual formation
experience for adults as well as instruction in this method of catechesis for children. The
pace of the course is retreat like allowing for its contemplative nature. Presentations are
given from scripture and liturgy as they are given to the children. Adults will receive
background information on selected themes and will be encouraged to read the core
CGS texts throughout the course.
More details and registration information can be found here.
CGS Level I Training Registration Brochure – St Joseph Aug 2020
Questions or looking to become involved?
For questions on St. Joseph’s CGS offerings, or to become involved in the Catechesis
of the Good Shepherd, please contact Anne Pulsifer (cgsstjoseph@comcast.net/484-431-5156).
*Successful participation of this course will result in a certificate from the National
Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
**Financial assistance may be available.
For more information on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, please see www.cgsusa.org.